This Auto-CAD drawing will go into the milling machine to make a perfect fit to the motor and clutch plate/gearbox. Inside there will be a bearing to make sure both axle's are aligned perfectly but still keep the clutch plate free to move on the center line and absorb some of the force when I floor the car ;) This will also make the making of the motor support easier because it will be centered and I can take the coupling and therefore the motor and gearbox as reference point.
While the coupling is being made I've treated the chassis to make sure it won't corrode. First I've removed all the superficial rust last week and today I sprayed the whole chassis with tactyl so its nice and black again.
Last week at the end of the day we started the motor up for the first time to check if it works, and...
It does! Nice and smooth, no instant shock or anything. So, very happy!
Now I'll wait on the coupling so that I can start making the support and mount the whole assembly into the chassis. From that point I'll go further with the batteries and the new wiring.
I want to keep the engine block from the car to keep the chassis and block together and as a memory. So I've cleaned it up and maybe it will make a nice (small) table or something, any thoughts?